Tuesday, September 22, 2015

What Causes Vaginismus

Vaginismus often occurs to unsuspecting women. A woman may not know she has vaginismus until she experiences intimacy with her partner. It comes as a surprise to her that she is unable to have intercourse and so it can be quite perplexing.

Vaginismus is a Cycle

Vaginismus is often a vicious cycle, where the first failed or painful attempt becomes a recurring fearful memory for all successive attempts at intercourse. The woman seems to go deeper and deeper into the condition and falls into despair.

Cause of vaginismus varies for each woman. It is a combination of one or more physical or psychological experiences that trigger a reflex action in body which causes the PC muscles to spasm. This results in varying degrees of vaginismus; some women can manage partial penetration while some are completely unable to do so. Her partner often feels like he is "hitting a wall" when an attempt at intercourse is made.

Some examples of causes of vaginismus can be:

  • an unconscious fear associated with the idea of sex; e.g., a friend telling you long time back that sex is supposed to hurt and it unconsciously stays in the mind, etc.
  • an abusive relationship with partner, e.g., low trust level, domestic violence, the male partner jumping into sex without foreplay, not caring for the other partner's feelings regarding sex or intimacy, lack of communication, etc.
  • a particularly rigid household; e.g., parents who vehemently declared sex as a taboo, strong preaching, aversion to any kind of open discussion with parents, inadequate sex education, etc.
  • an abusive past experience; e.g., childhood molestation, sexual harassment, rape, etc.
  • a medical reason for vaginismus; e.g., a traumatic childbirth experience, side effect of medication that contribute to vaginal dryness, some previous injury or trauma to pelvis resulting from some accident or surgery, lack of vaginal lubrication resulting from inadequate foreplay, etc.
The first and foremost step in curing vaginismus is to find the root cause of it. Since this is woman-specific, it will be different for each woman. 

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