Tuesday, September 22, 2015

What is Vaginismus

Vaginismus is a physical or psychological condition which prevents a woman from any kind of vaginal penetration. The various pelvic muscles (PC muscles) contribute to this condition by involuntary muscle spasm leading to "shutting down" the opening of the vagina. The result is painful sexual experience or in extreme cases, complete inability to have intercourse.

Male partners of women experiencing vaginismus often explain the penetration experience as "hitting a wall". This is because once the female PC muscles go into spasm, they are hard and relentless, making any sort of penetration almost impossible.

Symptoms of this condition includes:
- pain during vaginal penetration
- complete inability to have intercourse
- discomfort during insertion
- avoiding intimacy due to fear of failure
- unconsummated marriages

Different women can experience different levels of vaginismus. Some women are able to have partial insertion, whereas some are completely unable to do so. Some women may resort to endure the painful experience over and over without discussing it with their partner or seeking help. Whatever the level of your condition, the fisrt step in curing your vaginismus is believing in yourself that you will indeed overcome it.

Many women feel responsible for this condition but it must be remembered that these women are not at fault as they do not know what triggers this condition. Furthermore, even if they did know what triggered this spasm, it will take the proper exercises and time to overcome it.

If you know someone who is suffering from vaginismus or if it is your partner, the best you can do is be motivating. The biggest key to helping your partner or friend overcome this condition is by making them realise you have faith in their abilities and that they will surely overcome it. To read more about what you can do to help your partner, read Helping a Partner with Vaginismus.